
guiltWhat’s concealed inside of me is a secret untold

Embellished by my demons, ashamed of its own skin

Wish I could scream it out, wishing I was that bold.

Staring at the ceiling all night, I wonder how guilt could be this strong

This self-conflicted dispute happening within

How can I end this absurdity, this is not where I belong

Each day I take a step, each day I get a little brave

And some day I will turn on the lights for them to look in

Someday I won’t be afraid of this unintended sin

Until then, I guess, I will have to live with these regretful waves

Until then I let my faults control me, until then I am enslaved

6 thoughts on “Self-condemnation

  1. Beautiful. I hope you meditate and help others. These two can drive those inner demons away.

    Love and light ❤

    Anand 🙂


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